# Azure AD


Azure AD has changed! There is now an easier way to configure Azure AD with our plugin that is more conventional. Watch the video and follow along!



All IdPs work a little differently. The plugin doesn't know the ins and outs of each IdP. The plugin's goal is to work with the SAML specification, the best it can.

Azure AD expects the Service Provider's Entity ID to match the "Application ID" on the Azure AD side.

# Creating "My Provider" with the Correct Application ID

You can find the Azure AD Application ID here:
Finding the Application ID

You can now edit your providers Entity ID on the Craft SAML Plugin Service Provider ("my provider") edit page.

Edit My Provider Entity ID

# Info Needed by Azure AD

These steps assume you don't have access to managing the Azure AD instance. If you are the person managing this instance, follow the necessary steps based on Azure AD's instructions. All of these items can be found within "My Provider" in the Craft CMS SAML SP Plugin.

  1. Certificate - Download the certificate and share this with the contact managing the Azure AD instance.

  2. ACS - Share the Assertion Consumer Service/ACS/callback

  3. Single Logout/SLO Endpoint

# Basic Mapping

Azure AD uses standard claims for user attributes. Here is a basic mapping configuration:

  • Last Name: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname
  • First Name: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname
  • Email Address: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress

The mapping within the plugin looks like this: Basic Mapping